Saturday, April 14, 2012

The taste of spring, a mountain of Hijiki. Harvesting begins at Jōgashima Island/Miura

Translated from the original article at:

April 14, 2012
Fisherman bundle jet-black Hijiki into sacks.

Harvesting the flavor of spring: On Jōgashima Island of Misakichō, Miura City, the reaping of Hijiki has begun. Along the coast, fishermen can be seen bundling sacks of jet-black Hijiki that's been left to dry in the sun.

Jōgashima Island’s Fishing Association states that because of unfavorable weather conditions, the annual harvest period arrived over a month late. According to the fishermen, this year's harvest is somewhat small, with the area not yielding much fully grown Hijime.

Pulling the Hijiki from the tide to the shore, about two days were spent harvesting it, where it was then dried in the sun. It's being bundled into sacks in order for businesses to put in their bids. This season, a harvest of 4 tons has been estimated.

Smiling, a fisherman of 4 years (Age 40) said "This (harvest of) Hijiki is special for its fluffy and soft texture. I would recommend eating it boiled."

Original Text:
春の味、ヒジキ山盛り 城ケ島で収穫始まる/三浦






Thursday, April 12, 2012

Galloping through a tunnel of cherry blossoms. The viewing season for cherry trees arrives at a horse ranch/Atsugi

Translated from the original article at:

April 11, 2012
Surrounded by Yoshino Cherry Blossoms, race horses run ever vigorously around the course=The Takagi Horse Ranch of Kamiogino, Atsugi City

At the Takagi Horse Ranch of Kamiogino, Atsugi City, the viewing season for Cherry Blossoms has arrived. The horses take increasingly fast gallops on a 650 meter course, surrounded by Yoshino Cherry Blossoms.

Originally from other ranches, the active thoroughbreds are now under the care of Takagi Ranch, being trained and adjusting before their debut as race horses. Next, they’ll arrive at the Japan RacingAssociation's Miho Training Center (Ibaraki Prefecture), which will take over responsibility for them.

Presently, there are 30 horses at the facility being held for debut, including a two year old. Farm Manager Takagi Shunsuke (34) commented (Here, the atmosphere is calm and water is purer. The horses are able to refresh their mind and body." Visits to the facility are not available to the general public.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The "Nintama" (Ninja Kids) gathering at Fukushiyama Castle. 45 elementary schoolers undergo ninja training

Translated from the original article at:

April 9, 2012
Boat racing, on the flowing river below the castle.

On the 8th, in the area of Fukuchiyama Castle's Park (Naiki Itchōme Naiki, Fukuchiyama-Castle), "The 11th Mitsuhide Nintama Martial Arts Gathering" was held. (Translation note: Mitsuhide is Fukushiyama Castle's mascot.) Wrapped in ninja outfits, the children challenged themselves in each attraction, including shuriken throwing, blow darts and water running (on a boat).

The event was put together by an action committee made up of volunteer residents, led by Chairman Kawakatsu Yuu. 45 elementary scholars gathered together.

Disguised as the Nintama (child ninjas in the midst of training), they participated in the Nintama Olympics. Aiming for the championship trophy, they were challenged by the "Dokutake Team," (villains from the anime series).
The 5th competition was a boat race, held on the river of the lower castle. Each group boarded a boat, competing to pull themselves to the other side of the river in the fastest time.

Cooperating with their full power to pull themselves across the rope, at times it appeared as if some of them would fall into the river, but all made it across safely.

After the competition, the troublesome Dokutake Team stole the trophy and attempted to flee the scene. In an excellent showing during a fierce battle, the children managed to take back the trophy.

Original text:
福知山城で忍たま武道大会 小学生45人が忍者修行
20124 9








Monday, April 9, 2012

At a Abeno Cues Mall event, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu commemorates the sale of her new single

Translated from the original article at:

April 8th, 2012
2500 gather for the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu event.

At the 3rd level Sky Court of Abeno Market Park(Osaka City Abenoku Abeno Kin 1), Kyary Pamyu Pamyu held an event on April 8th.
The popular Kyary Pamyu Pamyu at the event.

An event was held too commemorate the April 4th release of her second single, Candy Candy.  A capacity crowd of 2500 gathered.

On that day, a free live concert was held. Besides performing Candy Candy for the first time in the Kansai region, 5 songs total were performed, including Pon Pon Pon and Tsukematsukeru. Also announced is that Kyary will begin her first Solo Live Tour from Club Nanba Hatch (Japanese site) located in the ward of Naniwa.

In addition, those who purchased CD's were eligible for a hand shake event also held, where over 1000 people lined up.

In an interview before the event, Kyary said "I once again wore these clothes (from the video) to show my love to the fans" as well as "I like people who speak Kansai Dialect."

Original Text: 


あべのマーケットパーク キューズモール(大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋13階スカイコートで48日、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅさんがイベントを行った。


44日に発売されたセカンドシングル「CANDY CANDY」のリリース記念で催された同イベント。満員の2500人が集まった。

当日はフリーライブも行い、関西で初披露となる新曲「CANDY CANDY」のほか、「PONPONPON」「つけまつける」など5曲を歌った。きゃりーさんからは初のワンマンライブツアーを62日から「なんばHatch」(浪速区)で始めることも発表した。



Sunday, April 8, 2012

At the traditional Water God Festival of Funabashi Fishing Harbor, four performances are offered in prayer of safety and bountiful fishing

Translated from the original article at:

April 5, 2012
Continuing since the Edo era, the annual event took place on the 3rd.

Praying for safety at sea and abundant fishing, the Sea God Festival was held on April 3rd, in Funabashi Fishing Harbor (Minamotomachi 3, Funabashi City), organized by the City of Funabashi’s Fishing Union (Chief Director Oono Kazutoshi). The religious event for believers of the water gods has been appointed within Japan as an intangible cultural asset.

The festival has continued since the Edo period, a tradition passed down among Funabashi's fisherman. "It has gone on since the 1600's" explained a member of the fishing union.

Over the fishing ships anchored in the fishing port's wharf, many Tairyo-bata  fluttered in the strong winds. Shinto and Kagura ceremonies were performed onboard the ships. As the events progressed, workers of the Funabashi Daijinja shrine and those involved in the fishing industry presented offerings of Tamagushi, praying for the safety of the fisherman this season. 180 from the fishing union participated.

As the ritual continued, 4 types of Kagura were offered. The Miko, Sarata, Ebisu and Sanjin dances.
In the middle of a pile of Nori, "The catch of winter," sea bass and short necked clam was transferred over, marking a change to "The catch of spring," requesting safe and abundant fishing as part of the Water God Festival.

With the Kagura offerings finished, citizens gathered where red and white Mochi was being distributed. Those involved in the fisherman boarded a ship which sailed out offshore. Throwing the five Chinese cereals into the ocean, this completed the festival.

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