Monday, April 9, 2012

At a Abeno Cues Mall event, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu commemorates the sale of her new single

Translated from the original article at:

April 8th, 2012
2500 gather for the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu event.

At the 3rd level Sky Court of Abeno Market Park(Osaka City Abenoku Abeno Kin 1), Kyary Pamyu Pamyu held an event on April 8th.
The popular Kyary Pamyu Pamyu at the event.

An event was held too commemorate the April 4th release of her second single, Candy Candy.  A capacity crowd of 2500 gathered.

On that day, a free live concert was held. Besides performing Candy Candy for the first time in the Kansai region, 5 songs total were performed, including Pon Pon Pon and Tsukematsukeru. Also announced is that Kyary will begin her first Solo Live Tour from Club Nanba Hatch (Japanese site) located in the ward of Naniwa.

In addition, those who purchased CD's were eligible for a hand shake event also held, where over 1000 people lined up.

In an interview before the event, Kyary said "I once again wore these clothes (from the video) to show my love to the fans" as well as "I like people who speak Kansai Dialect."

Original Text: 


あべのマーケットパーク キューズモール(大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋13階スカイコートで48日、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅさんがイベントを行った。


44日に発売されたセカンドシングル「CANDY CANDY」のリリース記念で催された同イベント。満員の2500人が集まった。

当日はフリーライブも行い、関西で初披露となる新曲「CANDY CANDY」のほか、「PONPONPON」「つけまつける」など5曲を歌った。きゃりーさんからは初のワンマンライブツアーを62日から「なんばHatch」(浪速区)で始めることも発表した。



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