Friday, January 20, 2012

A ton of retro game treasures! The opening of Anno Haruna's highly praised game museum (Video)

Translated from the original article at:

10:40PM, January 20, 2012 by Kamio Takeshi

The opening of Anno Haruna's game museum.

Retro game trivia: At auction sites, a Game and Watch (from the crystal screen series) sells for about the price of a Playstation Vita.

Sexy Game Idol Anno Haruna publicly declared her intention of building a game museum, using her idol activity as a method of raising funds. In October of last year, an office building of the (Japanese equivalent to a Joint-stock company)  Eggcore (Japanese), which she belongs to, was set up as a museum. It features such items as (Stand-alone) handheld games, Famicoms (Nintendo Entertainment Systems), gaming books, a collection of games and related items from the 1980's.

Since Anno Haruna has uploaded a personal introduction video of the museum to Youtube, please take a look at it before continuing.

So, where to begin...for the world of adults (over 30), there's lots of hot gaming related goods. As someone representing the adults, my eyes stopped at the Game and Watch Collection, items from the Hudson Nationwide Caravan,  and strategy guides/magazines from the golden age of the Famicom such as Corocoro Comic, Beep (produced by rabid Sega fans) Gamest (specializing in arcade games). Coming from these books/magazines, it pains me that they've been succeeded by the internet. As the new culture of video games rapidly matures, the magazines still give off the feelings and atmosphere of the 80's.

With a number of these precious items on display in the museum, reservations are fully booked as the public opening commences. At this time, it's natural that regular and nostalgic adult gamers will all want to visit at once. Every once in a while, Miss Anno can also be seen!

The opening of Anno Haruna's game museum. [EGG CORE OFFICIAL SITE]  (Japanese)

(Kamio Takeshi)

Original text:
レトロゲームのお宝がいっぱい! 杏野はるなゲームミュージアム絶賛公開中(動画あり)
2012.01.20 20:40  by 神尾武司

ゲームウォッチクリスタルスクリーンのオークションでの相場は、PlayStation Vitaが買えるぐらいの価格。(レトロゲーム豆知識)





杏野はるなゲームミュージアム開放中。[EGG CORE OFFICIAL SITE]


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