Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Becoming popular at Hakone Park's aqarium: The hotspring performance of the seal trio. "This is a nice bath..."

Translated from the original article at: http://odawara-hakone.keizai.biz/headline/790/

(January 31, 2012)
Three seals (The Onsen Trio) perform.

The Hakone Park Aquarium (Motohakone, Hakone, Tel#0460-83-1151) is currently running a Baikal Seal show.  The Onsen Trio performance is gathering popularity, where three seals enter and display their poses.

The seals first place hand clothes onto their heads, then charmingly wave their flippers. The three seals have been training since last year. Until recently, only "Billy" was able to perform the trick.

Joining Billy in the Onsen performances are two other males, Ice and Ash. Both 8 years old, they are veterens at performing tricks, energetically using balls and hoops.

The show is packed with camera-ready visitors, sending out plenty of claps and cheers. "Their big round eyes are cute!" After the show, Park employee Mr. Kusano added "Because the Onsen Trio performance is over, we want you to enjoy taking pictures."

Hours of operation are 9:00AM to 5:00PM. The seak show takes place at 11:00AM and 1:00PM. (On Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, an additional performance is held at 3:30PM). Entrance fees: Adults=1,300 yen, Children (4 through elementary school) = 650 yen.

Original text:


箱根園水族館(箱根町元箱根、TEL 0460-83-1151)のバイカルアザラシショーで現在、3頭が温泉に入るポーズをとる「温泉トリオ」の芸を披露し人気を集めている。





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