Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yokohama - "Big Japan" pro wrestlers play a part in anti-criminal activity, in agreement with city officials in the ward of Tsuduki

Translated from: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20111115-00000045-kana-l14

Caption: The campaign goes underway with "Big Japan" pro wrestlers in the Tsuduki ward of Yokohama City

Located in Ikonobe City, in the Tsuduki ward of Yokohama are wrestlers from the "Big Japan" promotion. In cooperation with city officials, they are wrestling with criminal activity in the region. On the 10th, two wrestlers combined their strength with Ikonobe's crime prevention force. Immediately on that same day, at the south entrance of the city's municipal train station center, a campaign was announced against pick-pocketing.

Big Japan Pro Wrestling was established in 1995. Presently, approximately 20 people belong to it, where it holds events in every part of the country. In May of this year, a female wrestler belonging to Big Japan Pro Wrestling accused a man of threatening her. The same city officials arrested the man, and the incident deepened the bond with the city. From there, it's said that they agreed on the spirit of contributing to the region together.

[We look kind of like these scary people we're going after], said the masked wrestlers during their work on the 10th, as elementary and middle school students returning home from school showed deep interest. Itō Ryūji, age 35 said "Pro wrestlers have an image of being violent, but we also want to have a close relationship with people in the region. We're grateful for being able to do however little to decrease crime." Afterwards, he carried out such activities as distributing fliers.

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