Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shrine Maidens quietly craft evil warding arrows. The final rush of production for January begins at the Hachimanguu Temple/Kamakura

Translated from the original article at:

December 3, 2013
'Mikoshi' (shrine maidens) silently continue their work of creating evil-warding arrows=Hachimanguu Temple

At the Hachimanguu Temple (Yuki No Shita, Kamakura City), the production of evil warding arrows, a lucky amulet for New Years, enters it's final rush. Using bamboo and the feathers of waterfowl within Japan, 245,000 arrows of various sizes are being produced until Mid-December.

As the mikoshi quietly continued their work, the banging of kabura whistles and the sound of decorative bells being attached to the arrows could be heard echoing through the silent temple.

To celebrate the occasion of Minomoto no Yoriyoshi using the arrows of Hachimanguu Temple to end the Zenkunen War, Kyōtō's Iwashimizu-Kachimanguu Shrine sent over their bow(s) and arrow(s) as an offering.

Original text:
巫女が黙々と破魔矢作り 正月控えて鶴岡八幡宮で追い込み/鎌倉





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