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Posted at 06:40AM on April 4th, 2012 by haruYasy
We would certainly like to get our hands on Tachikoma kits!
From the popular anime Ghost In The Shell, the series' "mascot" has been contributed to the Lego Cuusoo site. Called Tachikoma, they are battle tanks controlled by artificial intelligence.
If the Tachikoma presently on the Lego Cuusoo site gathers 10,000 supporters, there's a chance that it could be produced as an official product. Just the other day, Lego Minecraft was announced as an upcoming official release.
The construction of the moving Tachikoma is not so simple. The wheels not only spin to move the Tachikoma, but also act as legs used for walking. Additional, the movement of the arms and camera eye are engineered to please someone fussy about details.
If it can possibly go into production after receiving 10,000 votes, this won't just be our favorite lego set, but will also get checked off as the item we need the most!
レゴでできた動く「タチコマ」がすごい! みんなのサポートでキット化の可能性も?(動画あり)
2012.04.04 06:40 by haruYasy.
人気アニメ『攻殻機動隊』でマスコット的存在のAI戦車「タチコマ」のレゴ作品が「LEGO CUUSOO」に投稿されています。
「LEGO CUUSOO」は投稿されたレゴ作品が1万人のサポーターから支持を集めると、公式に製品化されるかもしれないというサイト。先日発表された「レゴマインクラフト」もここから生まれました。
この「動くタチコマ」は単純に組み上げただけの作品ではなく、ホイールによる走行や足を使って歩行も出来るそうです。 他にも腕やカメラアイも動かせるというこだわりを感じる一品ですね。
LEGO® CUUSOO | Motorized Tachikoma[LEGO CUUSOO via Gigazine]
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