Translated from the original article at:
March 05, 2012
Mizutani Koji surrounded by smiling umbrellas.
The smile photography project is currently being held at the Inter Media Station of Tenjin 1,Chuo Ward, Fukuoka.
The scene of a photo being taken.
"Smiles are the universal language of the world" and "Enjoyment and Happiness" are the themes that graphic designer Mizutani Koji seeks to deliver. From 1999, he's taken his "Merry Project" beyond Japan, taking pictures of smiling faces to display as a message. So far, Mizutani has taken pictures from over 30,000 people across 26 countries. Since the great disaster of Eastern Japan, he's focused his efforts on taking pictures to support the afflicted area.
During the period of March 3, 5, 6, the smiles will be broadcast to both the disaster area and central Japan, beginning with the enactment of the Fukuoka photography project. On the 3rd, 80 people had pictures taken. On the 4th, holding umbrellas printed with the smiles of children from the disaster area, there was an event where the people of Tenjin walked throughout town, wishing for restoration of north-eastern Japan.
While taking pictures in Fukuoka, Mizutani commented "About the smiles of Fukuoka’s, this is not merely a city district. I feel a window of power within Asia. Fukuoka and Tenjin's power, their hope for the disaster area's restoration. I want to pour all that into North Eastern Japan.
The photos from this round of photography are planned to be displayed in the 2nd basement level of the IMS building from April 3rd. Photography takes place until March 6th. Participation is free of charge. Photography time is 10:00AM to 4:30PM.
グラフィックデザイナーの水谷孝次さんが「笑顔は世界共通のコミュニケーション」をテーマに「MERRY(楽しい、幸せ)」を届けようと、国内外の笑顔を撮影しメッセージとともに展示する1999年より始めたプロジェクト「MERRY PROJECT(メリープロジェクト)」。水谷さんはこれまで世界26カ国・地域で3万人以上の笑顔を撮影。東日本大震災以降は、被災地での撮影など支援活動も行っている。
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