Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prefecture police entrust 6 dogs to work as disaster rescue animals/Kanagawa

Translated from the original article at: http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1303210040/

March 22, 2013

The disaster rescue dogs that participated in the issuing ceremony.

On the 21st, in the prefecture police headquarters of Yokohama Cities' Naka Ward, disaster rescue dogs went through an issuing ceremony to perform human rescue operations in disaster areas. 6 dogs were signed in for a 1 year period, starting April 1st. In the case that an earthquake or landslide occurs within the prefecture, they would help search for the location of missing persons.

6 dogs were collected, having passed testing from the International Rescue Dog Association with excellent results. The dogs came from 4 different breeds, including German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. At the issuing ceremony, Sudou Masahiko, Chief of Prefecture Police Crisis Management and Preparation greeted the attendees. "Further strengthening our cooperation, we hope to be completely prepared in responding to disasters." The dog's handlers received certificates entrusting the dogs into the police force.

Kanagawa Prefecture’s system of disaster rescue dogs was introduced to the police as they dealt with 1995's Great Hanshin Earthquake. Directly after the 2011 Great Disaster of Eastern Japan, 6 dogs were entrusted to the prefecture police of Miyagi to search for missing people. Murase Hidehiro, Board Chairman of the non-profit Rescue Dog Trainer's Association commented "Disaster rescue dogs are the first to arrive at a scene and are able to pinpoint the exact location of survivors." Emphasizing that point, he argued for the necessity of increasing the amount of rescue dogs within the country.

Original text:
災害救助犬、 県警が匹に嘱託神奈川



