Monday, January 16, 2012

Young people being called out for blood donations in all areas within Nara prefecture

Translated from the original article at:

Transmitted by the Sankei Shimbun January 16, 7:55AM

Vocational school students request blood donations from young people=Nara City (Picture: Sankei Shimbun)

With a shortage of blood available for transfusion during the winter, getting people interested in donating blood is of high importance. The prefecture's Red Cross Blood Center (in Yamatokōriyama city) instituted the "20 year olds’ blood donation campaign”. Taking place in each part of Nara prefecture, it lasts until February 29th.

According to the center, 23-24% of all blood donors aged 16-29 stopped donating blood in 2011. Even fewer in the 30-40 age groups donated. Furthermore, the cold winter season meant that people were not inclined to leave their houses to donate blood, contributing to the decrease. Each year, during this period, the entire country encourages young people to cooperate in donating blood.

On the 14th, a donation campaign took place at the Nara Family shopping center in Nara city. Vocational school students who came of age this year greeted shoppers and made appeals for blood donations. Participant Kuroda Chiharu (Age 20) said "Since donating blood is very important, I want more young people to have an interest in it."

Original text:
若者に「献血を」 県内各地で呼びかけ 奈良
産経新聞 1月16日(月)7時55分配信





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