Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In aid of the disaster area, a charity New Year’s performance is put on by the Karate and Kendo groups of Kawasaki Commercial High School

Translated from the original article at: http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1201160025/

January 16, 2012

Members of the karate club put on an intense performance=Kawasaki Municipal Commercial School

On the 16th, the Kawasaki Municipal Commercial High School (the town of Totehon, in the Saiwai district) held a charity kagami biraki exhibition featuring their karate and kendo groups. The venue collected funds to go towards the Eastern Japan Disaster revitalization efforts. The funds will be channeled through the social welfare organization of the Kawasaki newspaper.

2012 marks the eighth occasion this New Year's event has taken place. School staff members brought kagami mochi and PTA members made shiruko soup. Volunteers from the physical education department cooperated in serving students who came to observe.

This year, 9 pupils from the karate group and 4 from the kendo group participated. In charge of collecting the funds were members of the social welfare pupil committee. A special entrance hall was set up in the venue, where students impressively displayed their kumite and kata, as large rounds of applause erupted from spectators.

Izumida Kasumi (17) of the karate group stated her impressions: "As we put on one performance after another, out hearts filled with prayer for the disaster area." Yokouchi Yasuki (17), president of the Kendo group "I want this year to have a greater start (than the last). We're aiming for victory at the next tournament, and wish to train to our best ability."

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