Monday, January 23, 2012

Celebrating the Chinese New Year at Yokohama's Chinatown - Lion dances, parades and more

Translated from the original article at:

January 22, 2012

A scene of a celebratory parade from 2011's Chinese New Year.

At Yokohama's Chinatown, from January 23 until February 6, the celebration of the Chinese lunar calender's New Year is being held.

On the evening of the 22nd, both the Mazu and Guan Yu  shrines of Chinatown welcomed the Chinese New Year with countdown events. At the strike of midnight, everyone throughout Yokohama's Chinatown shouted "新年好/Xīn Nián Hǎo" (Chinese for Happy New Year) to the sound of erupting firecrackers.

On the 23rd, the entirety of Chinatown sets up for the annual "Cai Ching" event. Five dancing lions each take off on their own course, visiting the shops they pass and dancing in prayer of prosperity and a good harvest, with an intensity matching the gongs and taiko drums being performed. Hung on the front of each store is a ceremonial red envelope, which the lions take into their mouths.

On the 29th, a marching parade will take place in Yokohama Chinatown, featuring dragon dances, lion dances, and people dressed as everything from regular Chinese citizens to royalty.

The final day of China's Little New Year hits on the 6th of February, when people allow themselves to relax as they perform the Lantern Festival dedicated to the Heavens. Chinatown's own female dancers and dancing groups perform in an offering ceremony. Requests for the realization of events and dreams are written down during the message candle offering, taking place at the Mazu and Guan Yu shrines.

At the Chinese style gazebo of Yamashita Town's Public Park (Japanese site) the "Chinese New Year Amusement Performance" takes place, featuring various dances including the dragons and lions, in addition to traditional Chinese circus performances. The performances take place on January 28-29 and February 4-5. The Chinatown80 building will hold a Chinese New Year exhibition until February 6th, and a Chinese New Year children's drawing exhibit from February 9 until the 19th.

Elsewhere, the DASKA Chinese Theme Park will hold a good fortune event for Chinese New Year until February 12. The 2012 Chinese New Year Fortune Menu includes longevity noodles, fresh sea water boiled gyoza, dragon parfaits and more. Fortune telling is performed, and fortune items can also be purchased.

A member of the Yokohama Chinatown Development Association's 2012 Chinese New Year Program commented: "During the period of Chinese New Year, we'll feature singing, dancing, stage and traditional Chinese performances. The atmosphere will be full of festivity. The Y152 Memorial (Japanese site) Chinese New Year display will be illuminated by candles and lanterns. Please have fun, as Chinatown is always becoming grander."

The same association is holding a photo contest, the subject of photography being the Chinese New Year. Visitors will be able to vote from eleven pieces that were selected before hand. From Febuary 9 until the 12, the CP+ event will be held, sending out information on the pictures and cameras used in the contest. Entries can be submitted from February 2-5.

Original text








そのほか、チャイナテーマパーク「横浜大世界」では、春節にちなんだ開運イベントを2月12日まで実施。「2012春節 開運メニュー」として開運長寿麺、開運海鮮水餃子、ドラゴンパフェなどを提供するほか、開運占い、開運グッズの販売を行う。

横浜中華街発展会協同組合 2012春節実行委員会は「春節の期間中は、歌や舞踊の舞台、中国伝統芸能の演技などもあり、お祭り気分いっぱいです。Y152メモリアル春節燈花のイルミネーションや提灯(ちょうちん)が輝き、いつもより華やいでいる中華街をお楽しみ下さい」と話す。'


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