Monday, June 25, 2012

Mourning the passing of Michael Jackson, 70 dancers perform in front of Dotonbori's Glico sign

Translated from the original article at:

June 25, 2012
Performing “Thriller” in front of the Glico sign.

On June 23rd, the 4th event in remembrance of Michael Jackson's death was held on the Tonbori River Walk of Dotonbori, Osaka where participants proudly showed off their dancing.

The participants dance, cosplaying as zombies.

The "MJ Kansai-Let's Dance as Michael" event was organized across communities throughout various social network services. This year marks the first time the event was held in front of the glico sign of Dotonbori River Walk. The event was also put together to raise awareness for orange ribbon charities for the prevention of child abuse. An organizer commented: "I thought it was wonderful to be able to have the dance performed at one of Osaka's most well-known spots, before the glico sign. From now on, we hope to continue performing here every year."

On that day, 70 participants gathered to dance to MJ's music. Primarily being made up of inexperienced dancers, it's said they went through a crash course in training to prepare for the event. During the performance, participants cosplayed as zombies in the style of Thriller as they danced to the song. Additionally, they put on enthusiastic performances to Beat It, Billie Jean and Smooth Criminal. Travelling from Himeji City, members of the Michael Jackson Memorial Marching Band (Japanese site) participated, bringing a climax to the performances at Dotonbori over the weekend.

With the event being held at Dotonbori, large amounts of passerby’s stopped in their tracks, overtaken by the powerful sight of all the dancers. From the opposite side of the bank, people began clapping their hands to the music or applauding. A couple from Sakai City, vacationing in Namba said "Besides just hearing the Michael Jackson songs that we know, it was great seeing the dancers performing nearby." At the end of the event, an organizer called out to spectators to participate in and donate to charities. "Michael Jackson was someone who was highly interested in charity. Wishing to continue his wishes from here on, we would like everyone to participate in charitable activities."

Smooth Criminal


Beat It, Billie Jean, kids performing Billie Jean

Michael Jackson Memorial Marching Band: Bad, Black or White

Original text:




主催は、SNSコミュニティーなどで構成される「MJ関西 マイケルを踊ろう会」。今回は初めて、とんぼりリバーウォークのグリコ看板前での開催となった。子ども虐待防止運動「オレンジリボン」のチャリティー活動も合わせて実施した。主催者は「大阪の名物の一つであるグリコ看板の前で踊らせていただくことができてうれしく思っている。これからも毎年、続けていきたい」と話す。

当日は、約70人の参加者が集合し、マイケルさんの楽曲に合わせてダンスを披露した。ダンス未経験者がほとんどで、今回のために特訓を積んだという。中には代表曲「スリラー」のイメージ通り、ゾンビのコスプレをする参加者も。ほかにも「ビートイット」「ビリージーン」「スムースクリミナル」などの代表曲のダンスを熱演。姫路から「マイケルジャクソン メモリアル マーチングバンド実行委員会」も参加し、週末の道頓堀を盛り上げた。


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