Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Firefly larva released into the lake of the Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu Temple. Kindergartners help to preserve nature/Kamakura

Translated from the original article at: http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1203120034/

March 13, 2012
Kindergartners releasing young fireflies=The inner grounds of the Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu Temple.

On the 12th, at the Yanagiharashinchi Lake in the temple grounds of the Tsurokahachimanguu Temple (located in Yuni No Shita, Kamakura City), school children from the Tsuruoka Kindergarten released firefly larvae. Although June 9th is the date of the firefly releasing ceremony, they must first reach maturation before emitting light while flying around the lake.

A part of the temple's environmental protection program, it's aimed to educate children on the importance of nature and life. The larva were said to be the "grandchildren" of Namerikawa's firefly squid. (Translation note: The town city of Namerikawa is famous for celebrating the firefly squid.)

50 of this year's kindergarten graduates participated. Along with the 3,000 fireflies, their food in the form of 15,000 snails were placed into the lake.

Original text:





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