Saturday, February 18, 2012

An old man dances to prepare the fields for an abundant harvest. A Shinto event at Samukawa Temple. February 18, 2012

Translated from the original article at:

At Samukawa Temple, a Shinto dance is performed to prepare the fields for harvest =Miyayamai, Samukuwa Town

To prepare for the coming season of traditional farm work, a request for a rich harvest in 2012 was sent out with a Shinto dance. It was held on the 17th at the Samukawa Temple of Miyayamai, Samukawa Town.

The shrine's association of locally born parishioners (about 160 in total) watched over the event. As a dancer wearing an okina mask performed onstage, members of the temple beat taiko drums, sang a kagura in unison, scattered offerings of rice husks on the stage and wove mulberry leaves up and down, all in the request of an abundant harvest and prosperous business.

While the types of rice husks scattered on stage are locally grown, divided from farms within the city, it's customary to also offer other types of husks.

Original text:





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